Finding and leading Indian leaders.
We have years of practical management experience in India.
India is a multifaceted country in terms of religions, traditions and mentalities and has a long and varied history. These special conditions are also reflected in all areas of human resources management.
In India, human resources management is a real challenge!
Highly qualified personnel is not readily available in India and is correspondingly costly to find. The greatest care and neutrality must be ensured in all recruitment projects. Manipulated application documents and the influence of nepotism and job hopping are the order of the day. Well-known and proven Western leadership concepts do not work in India. Cultural particularities repeatedly lead to misunderstandings or serious problems.
As a recruitment consultancy for India, we specialize in team planning, executive search and all relevant questions regarding HR management.

Methodological competence and professionalism
Due to our many years of management experience in India, we can help our clients directly to