Management & Control

Just about every company faces negative experiences with its own Indian management i.e. employees at some point of its India engagement. The breaking points often relate to issues that are the usual suspects, such as quality, the keeping of deadlines or reliability.

Just about all these problems can be traced back to the different expectations and outlooks of the persons in question.

To keep your cooperation with Indians from turning into a frustration, you have to discard the assumption that Indians think like Europeans as soon as possible and have to adjust your own behaviour anew for India. In order to successfully run an organisation in India, you have to adjust to the local environment and not vice versa. Since the attempt to impose the European company policy and philosophy – no matter how successful it may be – on an Indian unit is certainly bound to fail.

  • We help you to adapt your current personnel and management concepts to India.
  • Achieve 100% of the parent company`s targets in India through appropriate leadership.
  • Avoiding the non-compliance of quality standards, deadlines or other requirements.
  • Provide necessary management, conAvoiding breakdowns in communication and miscalculations that affect your business success.

India has its own laws: Something that has not been explicitly forbidden is allowed and this results in more complex demands for the parent companies. In cooperation with you, we adapt your objectives and measurement parameters to India.

Continuous controls are crucial for success in India. Irregular, missing or too lax controls cause Indian employees to think that the company itself does not stick to the decisions it has made. We work together with you to find appropriate tools and support you in their application.

Plan communication within the Indian organisation as well as the one between India and the parent company / headquarters. Define interfaces and agree on rules. Monitor compliance and sanction deviations.

In India hierarchies are commonplace. Flat hierarchies and team work are unusual and can only be recommended in exceptional cases. We assist you in adopting the required hierarchy and management styles and apply them in everyday business life.

Contact our human resources experts!