Change to the fast lane!

We are your growth partner for India!

Managing Change & Growth.

Many companies can achieve a sales growth of 20 to 30% per year in India. But rarely can the development of the Indian organisation, local infrastructure and processes keep pace with growth. Some things fall by the wayside and creeping bottlenecks, quality deficits and efficiency losses arise, often unnoticed. Frequently there are cash problems and even insolvency.

Not every company is successful in the Indian market, or as profitable as it could be. Too many companies in India fall short of their expectations, are still burning money, or are even facing a real crisis.

We have specialized in enabling and securing sustainable growth and success.

  • Identify and eliminate reasons for failure.

  • Implement scalable structures and processes.

  • Involve your Indian management and workforce to support and actively facilitate change.

Our offer for turnaround projects

Get in touch with our Turnaround managers!